Course Overview
Introduction To Kafka

Setting Up Your Kafka Broker

Lesson #3

In this lesson we will:

  • Setup our Kafka broker, initially in a standalone non-clustered mode;
  • Learn how to start and stop Zookeeper and Kafka;
  • Investigate the command line scripts distributed with Kafka;
  • Locate the Kafka state files for administration purposes.

Starting Zookeeper

Kafka has historically had a significant dependence on a second piece of software named Apache Zookeeper for it's state and cluster management. The Kafka project has been actively working for some time on removing this dependency, but for now, Kafka still requires it.

Therefore, before bringing up our Kafka cluster, we need to first Zookeeper. This is distributed with the Kafka download for convenience.

The training virtual machine already has the binary installed, but the server has not been started. We can begin therefore by simply running the Zookeeper server command to start the process.

cd ~/kafka_2.13-3.3.1
./bin/ ./config/

Running this script should start Zookeeper relatively quickly with no obvious errors in the logs.

Starting The Kafka Broker

With Zookeeper up and confrimed healthy, we can now move towards starting Kafka. This requires a file, of which as with Zookeeper, the default one is fine for our purposes.

Because Zookeeper is running in our first terminal, we need to open a second terminal and issue the following command:

cd ~/kafka_2.13-3.3.1
./bin/ ./config/

Again, this should start quickly with no obvious errors in the logs.

We now have a running Zookeeper and a running Kafka broker connected to it.

Stopping The Broker

If we needed to shut down, the cleanest way to do this is to close down Kafka and then Zookeeper, in reverse order to which we started the processes.

Because we started the Zookeeper and Kafka servers in the foreground of our terminal, the processes will be closed when we press CTRL+C.

However, in more realistic deployments we would start Kafka broker using some mechanism that continues to run after we close the terminal window - for instance nohup, within tmux, or as a service. In that instance, a seperate script is provided to manually stop the Zookeeper and Kafka servers:

./bin/ ./config/
./bin/ ./config/

Feel free to start and stop your processes through various mechanisms, but ensure they are running again before progressing with the lesson.

Command Line scripts

The Kafka distribution that we downloaded comes with a number of scripts which are found in the ./bin folder.

cd kafka_2.13-3.3.1
ls -la bin/


-rwxr-xr-x   1 benjaminwootton  wheel   1423  8 Sep 22:21
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These administration scripts can be used for tasks such as creating topics, removing messages, publishing and consuming messages and repartitioning topics. By default, there is no graphical user interface or administration tool for managing Kafka. The scripts are the primary route.

We will cover these scripts in more detail in the proceeding lessons.

Kafka State Location

As Kafka is working and exchanging messages between producers and consumers, it needs to store state such as the messages waiting to be consumed and details about the producers and consumers. Though this state will be heavily cached in memory for performance purposes, they will also need to be written to disk in case the Kafka process was to crash.

By default, this data is stored in the /tmp/kafka-logs directory.

ls -la /tmp/kafka-logs


drwxr-xr-x   6 benjaminwootton  wheel   192 12 Nov 13:34 __consumer_offsets-0
drwxr-xr-x   6 benjaminwootton  wheel   192 12 Nov 13:34 __consumer_offsets-1
-rw-r--r--   1 benjaminwootton  wheel     0 12 Nov 13:32 cleaner-offset-checkpoint
-rw-r--r--   1 benjaminwootton  wheel     4 14 Nov 14:26 log-start-offset-checkpoint
-rw-r--r--   1 benjaminwootton  wheel    88 12 Nov 13:32
drwxr-xr-x   6 benjaminwootton  wheel   192 12 Nov 13:34 new_pizza_orders-0
-rw-r--r--   1 benjaminwootton  wheel  1216 14 Nov 14:26 recovery-point-offset-checkpoint
-rw-r--r--   1 benjaminwootton  wheel  1216 14 Nov 14:26 replication-offset-checkpoint

This state store is managed internally by Kafka, so you wouldn't typically have to interact with it. However, it's important to know where it is stored for a few reasons:

  • Some operating systems have processes which automatically clear files from /tmp. You may wish to relocate the Kafka state file in this instance;
  • You may wish to add backups and monitoring around this directory to improve stability and chance of recovery in a critical situation;
  • If you would like to start afresh with your Kafka broker, stopping the broker and removing all of the state is the easiest way to do this.
Next Lesson:

Administering Kafka Topics

In this lesson we will learn more about Kafka Topics, including what they are and how to configure and optimise them.

0h 15m

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