The Modern Data Stack

In this course we will learn about the concept of the Modern Data Stack, describing how it is being used to build data platforms that require very low operational overhead.

7 Lessons
Total Time:
2h 45m
Lesson overview:

Introduction To The Modern Data Stack

In this lesson we will introduce the concept Of The Modern Data Stack or what is sometimes described as a Modern Data Platform.

0h 15m

Architecture Of The Modern Data Stack

In this lesson we will look at the architectural patterns and features of Modern Data Stack platforms.

0h 15m

Cloud And The Modern Data Stack

In this lesson we will discuss how cloud infrastructure and cloud native architectures support the modern data platform.

0h 15m

Ingesting Data Into A Modern Data Stack

In this lesson we will explain how data is typically sourced and integrated into Modern Data Platforms

0h 15m

Data Transformations

In this lesson we will describe how data is usually transformed in the Modern Data Stack.

0h 15m

Analytics and Business Intelligence

In this lesson we will describe how Reporting and Dashboards are typically implemented in the Modern Data Platform

0h 15m

Stream Processing

In this lesson we will describe how streaming data is implemented in the Modern Data Stack

0h 15m
Benjamin Wootton
Your Course Curator

Benjamin Wootton

Ensemble Founder

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