Securing ClickHouse and Role Based Access Control

In this course we will learn how to secure your ClickHouse database and the data contained within it. This includes securing your ClickHouse instance and using role based access control to control which users can access which data.

4 Lessons
Total Time:
1h 50m
Lesson overview:

Securing Your ClickHouse Instance

In this lesson we will learn about the various elements that are involved when it comes to fully securing your ClickHouse instance.

0h 10m

Administering Users

In this lesson we will learn how to administer user accounts and their associated passwords.

0h 10m

Role Based Access Control

In this lesson we will learn about the Role Based Access Control model which is used within ClickHouse to control and govern access to data.

0h 20m


In this lesson we will look at the various tools within ClickHouse for encrypting data at rest and in flight.

0h 10m
Benjamin Wootton
Your Course Curator

Benjamin Wootton

Ensemble Founder

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