Administering and Operating ClickHouse

In this course we will learn various facets about how to operate and run your own ClickHouse instance. This includes considerations such as monitoring, upgrades and backups.

6 Lessons
Total Time:
2h 30m
Lesson overview:

Administering The ClickHouse Server

In this lesson we will explain the various tasks which are involved in administering and managing a production instance of ClickHouse.

0h 15m

Logging In ClickHouse

In this lesson we will learn about how ClickHouse logs it's operations, and settings for administering these.

0h 15m

Upgrading ClickHouse

In this lesson we will learn about the process for upgrading ClickHouse between versions.

0h 15m

Clustering ClickHouse

In this lesson we will learn how to configure and use ClickHouse in a clustered setup.

0h 15m

Backups In ClickHouse

In this lesson we will learn about the process for backing up your ClickHouse instance and the data stored within it.

0h 15m

Deploying ClickHouse

In this lesson we will learn how to deploy ClickHouse for production usage.

0h 15m
Benjamin Wootton
Your Course Curator

Benjamin Wootton

Ensemble Founder

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